This work explores what effect objects have on a person, and how
much they tell us about the owner. In a way looking at necessity,
or what is necessary for them to carry around on a daily basis.

Inspired by Shiori Kawamoto’s project on Otaku Rooms, this also
captures the feeling of a person through the way they have selected
key items to put into their school bag. Asking questions such as; How
do these objects define their owner? How do the objects a person
deems necessary reflect onto their identity? What do people’s
possessions say about them?

The faces and names of the owners of these bags have been hidden
to allow you to create an unbiased judgment based solely on their
possessions. Not unlike Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, these photos
provide a shadow of the person, allowing the reader to get a two dimensional view of the owner without meeting them in person.