I design a campaign that is based on the beauty standard among society and raises our body image and self-esteem issues to raise awareness of obsessing with physical appearance and lowering down of self-image. Nowadays society has been over exaggerating how beauty should be and it affects many people’s perspectives on beauty standards, specifically for young women. The ideal beauty standard imposed by our culture and society could easily affect body image and lower self-esteem. Additionally, medias like to mention how we should look and persuading us to follow the ideal perfection. We are forcefully living in the beauty standard that societies has imposed to us. It lowers people’s self-esteem when they compare themselves to the perfect ideal image. I believe that every one of us is beautiful in our own way and we should accept the imperfectness of ourselves and others. Therefore, I created a campaign that called “Perfectly Imperfect”. The magazine, “Perfect” would provide the essential information about nowadays beauty standards and reasons why this campaign is necessary. On the other hand, the photo filter app is targeting for asking support to the “Perfectly Imperfect” campaign and spread the awareness around the world.

Case Study
In order to raise the awareness, I create the campaign “Perfectly Imperfect” to increase people’s self-esteem by letting people understand that we do not need to blindly follow the beauty standard that society has imposed on us as everyone is perfect in our own way. “Perfectly Imperfect” campaign would explain why extreme beauty standards exist and why this issue is important to us.
I notice that photo filter apps have been widely used lately. People enjoy the fact it is very convincing for them to open the app from their smartphone and enhance their beauty just by few touch and share it on social medias. Beauty camera apps are very popular on the app store as it allows people to retouch and change their facial structure. These apps allow users to create a “perfect” image for them to upload to social medias. Therefore, I decided to design a photo filter app that has totally different purpose. This photo filter app — “Imperfect”, is made for people to support the campaign while having the ability to style up their photos. “Imperfect” allows users to apply different filters and positive text phrases from the book to support and promote the campaign. I am hoping that “Imperfect me” could help to spread the campaign all over the world while allowing users to have fun and enjoy an actual photo filter function.