Xara Fellowship is a high school youth group at Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church. With around 30 to 40 regular members, it is continually growing with teens inviting their friends to outreach events, season retreats,and other activities. The main goals of the committee (a dedicated group of 10 highschoolers) is to develop relationships and to encompass and share the values of the Gospel in Christianity.
Before this project, there was no existing brand or branded materials for the fellowship. There was a desire from the students to have “swag” or something that represents who they are. And something that they would be wouldn’t be afraid to show or talking about to their friends outside of Church.
The first step of the project was to create a brand for the Fellowship that would be representative of their activities, values, and overall personality. I also wanted to creat a positive association with the brand, for an audience that might not necessarily know or identify themselves with Christianity or Xara.
Some additional research, such as sitting in on committee meetings and attending fellowship gatherings was helpful in understanding what the students wanted to emphasize in promoting their fellowship: community, faith, and fun.
The second step in the project was to assemble a branding kit with materials for the students to interact with. Including posters, tote bags, phone cases, stickers, a branding guide, and a craft activity. All these materials are then compiled into a box, to be handed out to the fellowships committee members.