A Charity platform for developing countries.
There aren’t any platforms that curate charities for helping second and third world countries.
I designed a charity platform that targets third and second world countries exclusively.
There are a lot companies applications out in the market that are focusing on first world problems and almost ignoring the developing world. So to counteract this trend I decided on creating a product targeted towards the third world. After much deliberation, I decided that creating a charity platform, that worked based on the idea of hand me downs, would allow me to create a project that helped the third world however, required the participation of first world countries. With having people from developed countries be a part of the project, it would give the platform a chance to raise awareness.
Check out the prototype →

Iconic Symbol
A big part of this project was the emphasis on targeting third world countries. I wanted to create a platform that wasn’t held back by language barriers. With that thought in mind, I decided that the name of the platform will always be hidden in the tagline ‘It’s an open box concept.’; the only allusion to the name is the bolding treatment. Instead of the name the platform would be represented by the logo. The reason behind this branding decision is to create a symbol that people could recognize without having to know the name and thus breaking the language barrier.
Alongside the main Logo, I created a set of four other icons. One for each of the categories, that the user could filter through the charities and find the charities that are applicable to them.
I made a Box!
The box is a crucial part of the Open Box experience, as it is the only interaction that it has with the second user set. Because of this I decide to make the box something special and memorable. In order to do so I colored the entire box yellow and wrapped it in purple tape to reflect the brand. The box would also have the icons of the respective items that it would be carrying.