Working within the limitations of paper, I designed a package for cat treats that would be fun and engaging for the target audience.
I had noticed that most (if not all) cat treats came in plastic
brand features the same format, they all blend in with one
I approached this project with the intention of making something unique and engaging for cat owners. I began by compiling a document of inspiring

I then moved on to brainstorming possible names for the brand. Here are some that I came up with: Joyful Kitty, active cat, yummy cat food, happy surprise, cat cravings, purrfect delights, cat munchies, and crunchy cravings. “Crunchy Cravings” described the texture of the treats as well as their addictiveness in a nice and catchy way. I proceeded to play around with different typefaces and arrangements that would work with my selected prototype.
After that, it was all about fine tuning and fixing little details. One of the biggest things to consider was making the package environmentally friendly and limiting its carbon footprint. The material used to assemble the package is biodegradable. No glue is needed to put together this container, as it uses tabs as its main method of connection. The challenge there was figuring out how to put everything together so that it locked and stayed tightly in place. Another challenge was making one part of the container slide smoothly out of the other container. This challenge was resolved with vigorous prototyping. I also wanted the packaging to attract a wide range of customers so I came up with three versions and flavours. The chicken flavour would be a black cat, the salmon a white cat and the beef flavour an orange cat. This way, owners would feel more connected to the packaging based on the colour of cat that they owned.
The final packaging that I came up with is fun and mimics a cat’s excitement upon hearing her owner pick up a box of treats. Cats sleep for 16-20 hours a day so the first face is a sleeping cat. Then upon hearing the treats shaking, the cat slowly opens its eyes and does a double take—”is that treats I hear?” And then finally, it’s fully awake and excited, tongue sticking out and all. The treats are dispensed from under the tongue.
It was also important that the treats match the box so I made my own treats using flower and water and cutting them out using my own cookie cutters that I laser cut, and then put them in the oven to dry and harden. I then painted them with acrylic paint, thinking that the treats would look better and tastier in colour. And also I’ve noticed that no cat treat company seems to make their cat treats in the natural shape of the animal.
Once the product is all gone, the package can be used as a toy for the cat. Cat’s love to play with empty boxes and stick their paws in small openings. As such, I thought this would be a perfect second life for my package.