There are times where you come across some great design and wonder, how do they create such works and what methods did they use to even reach such an amazing design? Most importantly, how did the designer start their process to come to this?

Over the course of 4 months, researching many of designers from different countries and observing their various styles, I’ve come to a conclusion. Many great designers can happen by accident but it comes from a lot of experimentation.

In order to make anything that I use to provoke my viewer to make anything that I use to provoke my viewer t0 think about my work, I follow certain rules that I applied to the way I created this book: follow my instincts, do not overthink anything I made a decision on, use the material over again until I have no ideas left to use, do not sit and sketch but just do, and finally, edit down to a minimum.

This book is all about randomness and my process of finding good design. Everything in this is due to my everyday experiences, and thoughts. In the following, spreads are made by first thoughts/on the spot decisions. Not overthinking anything.