You’re invited to

The Intermission: Grad Show


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Industry Reception


Doors Open



The Liberty Grand

25 British Columbia Rd, Toronto

The Intermission is the 2016 York/Sheridan Program in Design’s annual showcase of the best work produced by its graduating class. It is a night for the industry to connect with emerging designers and explore their works, and for students to celebrate their past four years of hard work with you!

Getting to the Show

Getting to the Show

29 Dufferin → Saskatchewan Rd
504 King → Dufferin St
509 Harbourfront → Manitoba Dr
Lakeshore West → Exhibition
Get directions on Google Maps

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the show free?

Yes, absolutely. However, we do help fund the event through sponsorships. If you’re interested in supporting this or future years, get in touch.

What can I expect to see and do at the show?

The show is an opportunity to browse the work and meet in-person with grads from one of Canada’s top design programs.

Will there be drinks?

Yes, we’ll have a cash bar available throughout the night.

What is the 'Industry Reception' portion of the show?

We dedicate a part of the night exclusively to people working in the design and creative industries. All students will be there to answer any questions about their work and experience. No ticket or registration is required.

I'll be at FITC on April 19th. Can I still come?

Definitely! The FITC schedule ends at 6pm on April 19th. We’re open until 11pm, so there’s lots of time if you’d like to swing by in the evening.

Where can I park my car?

There is a parking area located beside the Liberty Grand that will be available.

Come Meet the Cast!

Let us know if you're coming on Facebook and add the event to your calendar. We hope to see you there!

Grad Show Liberty Grand, TorontoApril 19
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Package Design
Lily: Soup Starter Kit


The product chosen for this redesign project is Herbal Dry Ingredients. The product is predominately used in Chinese soups as well as Chinese medicines. The redesign is a soup starter kit used to make the base of the broth, which adds flavor and nutrients.

The purpose of redesigning a package for this product is because it originally comes packaged in clear plastic bags closed with twist ties or more plastic. It includes nothing but the ingredients and a sticker label of the brand or logo. This makes it hard to understand what the product is used for unless the customer has prior knowledge of the included ingredients.

The final product presented is made of wood, allowing it to be a reusable box. It contains slots for interchangeable dividers for flexible storage space for small items, for example, sewing equipment, hooks and tackle, jewelry, coins and pins, and many other small objects. The lid of the box has a layer of cork to keep the top in place; the cork has a rectangle cut out of it, leaving a slot for a recipe book. The recipe book is held in place with a rubber band to make sure the book does not get lost or misplaced. When reused, the slot can hold personal notes like restriction of sizes for fishing or certificates of authenticity for jewelry.

The default placement for the dividers gives an estimate of proportions if the customer chooses to use the box to refill the ingredients. All the ingredients are wrapped with Japanese Oboner Paper, for the kind of texture that would keep the moisture away from the ingredients. The type is on the shiny side of the paper shows the difference between the textures as the shiny side would have enough strength to repel minion moisture and the inner texture would absorb any trapped moisture. Both the exterior wrap and the interior wrap are made of paper, making them easily recyclable.


The brand is Lily, named after one of the ingredients found inside the soup starter kit, dried lily bulb. A lily bulb is found at some depth below the surface and often unknown to many. This similarly matches the cooking skills of a student or novice at Chinese Soup making. In a Chinese household, mothers and grandmothers make healthy Chinese soups on a daily basis, but the kids know almost nothing about making these soups.

As the kids leave home, living at school, they have no knowledge of making these familiar soups as well as the benefits they carry. There are many different kinds of lilies as there are different kinds of Chinese soups. Lilies represent wealth and purity as the soup starter kit has contents that help purify one’ s body. A specific lily called the Daylily is symbolic in Chinese culture. Since many mothers in China wear the flower, the Chinese also venerate the day lily as a symbol of filial devotion to one’ s mother ( http:// www. livingartsoriginals. com/ flower- daylily. htm).

This kit promotes health and wellness as it teaches students how to make a simple soup as their mothers would make for them in order to help keep their strength up. The recipe book contains 3 recipes that can be altered easily for the number of servings. The etching on the side of the box is the same as the illustrations on the recipe book. This illustration is of a growing lily, to represent the process of healthy growing. The outer wrap is used as an introduction to the box and it’ s contents, using only red and white as the main colours of this package to resemble first aid kit. Since the ingredients are used in Chinese medicine, using red and white for the medical reference seems sound.