It’s expected that about 21 per cent of Canadian adults will be obese by 2019. So, it’s very important to teach our children a healthier lifestyle and prevent them from obesity and a lot of health issues they might face in their future.I designed an infographic to cover the issue of childhood obesity in Canada and I proposed tips and solutions for parents, schools and the government to prevent children from obesity.
The Subject :
Childhood obesity is a medical condition, which affects mostly children and teenagers and if it’s not cured during this age, it will have a huge negative impact on adulthood as well. Childhood obesity happens when
a child’s weight is no longer healthy and the child stores more than average fat and he/she becomes overweight (obese).
One of the signs of obesity is when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height.
The Problem:
Childhood obesity is usually the cause of serious health problems during adolescence such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.
Also, poor self-esteem, depression, Social Stigma, school bullying, emotional eating and discrimination are other negative results of childhood obesity. Based on my research, there are 2 main reasons for why it is worth to solve this issue.

Obesity rates in Canada have tripled since 1985, with a disproportionate increase in the number of very obese Canadians, according to new research from Memorial University in Newfoundland.
Based on this “worrying” trend, it’s expected that about 21 per cent of Canadian adults will be obese by 2019, according to a study
published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. So, it’s very important to teach our children a healthier lifestyle and prevent them from obesity and a lot of health issues they might face in their future.
Studies show that the economic costs of obesity are estimated at $4.6 billion in 2008, up about 19% from $3.9 billion in 2000, based on costs associated with the eight chronic diseases most consistently linked to obesity. Estimates rise to close to $7.1 billion when based on the costs
associated with 18 chronic diseases linked to obesity.
By spreading awareness about this issue and providing solutions for parents, schools and even the government, some of these huge economical costs can also be cut down.

The Solution:
The issue of childhood obesity requires a lot of information and statistics. The use of infographic will give the audience an overall view about the issue and then it takes them more into detail. Just like a storytelling, it walks them through all the information step by step and it finally provides the solutions of how to avoid it.

The purpose of this infohraphic is to create a narrative of the issue to help people understand the issue through visuals and simplified information and so they can start taking new steps for the future and the new generation to stop childhood obesity and wish for a healthier society.